Miracles Are Coming

"Miracles are coming, Coming through your way.  
Miracles are coming, In this and every day."

~John Utz  

Big Book, A Vision For You, p.153  "The age of miracles is still with us."

12&12 Step Eleven, p.97  "We liked A.A. all right, and were quick to say that it had done miracles."

BB The Family Afterward, p.133  "We, who have recovered from serious drinking, are miracles of mental health."


"Miracles began happening to me when I finally found recovery 2014. The blindness and negativity that I had endured for most of my life began to fall away from me. I began to both see and understand that G-d had always been there and that His grace and protective love had surrounded me all of my life. Looking back I was able to piece together a chain of miracles which convicts me that G-d will absolutely do for us what we could never do for ourselves. Doc Baker, from a nearby town, delivered me around 3 A.M. in my grandfather's home. I was struggling to breathe and in respiratory distress and Doc Baker told my father to prepare my mother that he believed I would not live very long. I am convinced that if I had been born to a family next door or across the street, I would have died. However, I was born into a family which had great faith and my parents asked my grandfather, who happened to be pastor of the church across the street, to anoint my head with consecrated oil and pray that G-d would save me. I was spared but not healed for I suffered pneumonia 12 times before I was two years old. The prayer of faith will save the sick, and if it be G-d's will it can heal. It surely has preserved my life, for as my life unfolded the miracles kept coming, in both illnesses and accidents that could have killed me but for G-d’s intervention and blessing.

I will focus on 6 accidents in which I was hit on the head and knocked completely unconscious. In only one of them did I ever receive any medical care.

  • Age 8, fell head first into a deep ditch hitting my head just above my left temple.
  • Age 10, hit between the eyes by a brick thrown by my sister.
  • Age 16, hit by the corner of an empty chicken coop which fell 8 ft from a stack on the front of a semi-trailer.
  • Age 19, hit on the side of my head by the end of a 2”x4” timber which slid off a roof.
  • Age 55, slipped on black ice and fell on concrete sidewalk, hitting head and breaking left arm in 2 places and while unconscious rolled down a flight of 10 concrete steps where I awoke me on my knees and left arm in a snow drift.  
  • Age 63, slipped on black ice and fell backwards hitting the back of my head. While still conscious I had the sensation of my spiritual body beginning to rise above my physical body. When it was about 4 inches above it stopped rising and settled back into my body. I was able to crawl 50 yards back into my apartment complex and then I passed out when the paramedics came. I woke up in the hospital when they were closing the wound putting 13 staples in the back of my head.

G-d truly is a G-d of miracles! 

~John U, grateful recovering compulsive eater